Jumat, 20 April 2012

Marketing Dragon Fruit

hi bloggers ...........for my writing this time is for the current marketing very easy.In Indonesia, now known as dragon fruit from all walks of life, in contrast to a few years ago there was only limited in Grocery Stores / Supermarkets large and only the upper middle class who eat them. Now this dragon fruit is widely available in the traditional markets of all types and many people purchased by the lower middle.
Dragon fruit is also commonly encountered in starting restaurant / restaurant, cafe and so on with various processed forms such as fruit juice drinks and desserts. Today, the dragon fruit is also processed into other forms began including candy, syrups, wines, fruit crisps and many more.
Some readers of my blog a lot of hesitation to start cultivating dragon fruit which is considered difficult due to marketing and demand have not been large and widespread throughout Indonesia. Please note, this is now largely supply the dragon fruit in the market still bring in foreign imports. Means of production in the domestic growers are not enough enormous market demand and business opportunities of the business of dragon fruit cultivation is still wide open.
Track marketing dragon fruit is very simple, namely the production of the planters taken by the merchant / store fresh fruits / supermarket and directly marketed to consumers. Then how do I enter the dragon fruit market if you are still counted in this business?
Basically, dragon fruit business is no different with fruit consumption of other business, if you are still new and not many have a network of marketing pieces, you have to go and offer it to the fruit shops, supermarkets, traders in traditional markets, or you join in association or community-dragon fruit growers association. If you already have a dragon fruit plant population is large enough, by itself the traders to come and compete on price with other traders.
In my opinion, dragon fruit marketing today is very easy and does not need to worry. That must be considered is the increasing cultivation of a good pattern to produce quality fruit to meet the required terms of fruit size merchants that I have described here.
The dragon fruit growers now are usually only pursue the quantity without increasing the quality of the fruit, the fruit harvest is plentiful, but the small size so that many traders rejected dragon fruits, or purchased at low prices to be thrown into the traditional market. The planters are many who do not make the selection of flowers, the vines are allowed to grow a fruit of the vine nearby and allowed to grow more than three pieces that I have explained here.
You also can promote you in the media production / farming magazines or via the internet as I do. Yes, its core market of dragon fruit is not much different from other kinds of fruit to market. So, for those of you who are still hesitant to start this business, you can do the survey at various supermarkets, traditional markets or ask the dragon fruit growers that have been widely spread throughout Indonesia. And you can see in the market, most of peddled dragon fruit is imported from abroad.

Selasa, 17 April 2012

How to overcome the dragon fruit plant pest in 2012

 If you have read in detail about the dragon fruit cultivation, there are other things that are also very important in the efforts of dragon fruit cultivation, which is about How to solve / overcome / remove / treat pests on the plant dragon fruit.Dragon fruit plant pests are of various kinds. However, the real dragon fruit plants including plant hardiness and relatively easy to maintain. But of course there is always a disturbance in the cultivation of pests that attack that could result in products that are not maximal and could suffer losses. Therefore must be considered if you have any pests and diseases that attack the dragon fruit plant.The cause and How to Resolve / address / remove / treat pests on crops such as dragon fruit is this:MitePest mites (Tetranychus sp.) Will attack the dragon fruit bark or branches that damage tissue that serves to assimilation of chlorophyll from green to brown. Abatement Committee of the spray at a dose of 1-2 g / ltr of water that made it 2-3 times a week.White ticksDragon fruit plant pest infestation that attacked whites (mealybug) on ​​the surface of the trunk or branches will be webbed black and looks dirty. How to cope with / overcome / remove / treat pests on the plant dragon fruit can be controlled by spraying with a dose of 1-2 cc Kanon / ltr of water once a week on a branch that was attacked. Usually two white flea spraying pest is gone.Lice ScalesPest infestation scales (Pseudococus sp.) Generally located at the dragon fruit branches that are not exposed to direct sunlight and pests attacked branches will look dull. How to cope with / overcome / remove / treat pests on the plant dragon fruit can also be overcome by spraying with a dose equal to Kanon pest infestation on the sidelines of the white-shaded plants exposed or not matahari.Dan also clean the location of the dragon fruit was shaded .Lice BatokPest infestation shell (Aspidiotus sp.) Attacked the dragon fruit plants by sucking the liquid in the stem or branch dragon fruit dragon fruit which causes the branch changed to yellow. How to cope with / overcome / remove / treat pests on the plant dragon fruit is also possible to use the same pest control fleas and ticks white scales.SnailsPest snails are very detrimental to plant dragon fruit because of damage by gnawing the trunk or branches and branches can lead to rot. How to cope with / overcome / remove / treat pests on the plant dragon fruit is due to the lack of farm hygiene terjaga.Selalu keep your dragon fruit orchard hygiene, such as weeding the grass in the land of dragon fruit.AntIn general, ants will appear at the dragon fruit plants start flowering. Ants start swarming around the new dragon fruit flower buds and will result in fruit dragon fruit skin will be brown speckled dragon fruit is of course the price will decrease with the quality as itu.Cara address / address / remove / treat the dragon fruit plant pest in this Gusadrin by spraying with a dose of 2 cc / liter of water.Birds and batsDisturbance of birds and bats at the dragon fruit. Usually attack the fruit that has been cooked on the atas.Cara address / address / remove / treat pests on the plant dragon fruit., You should wrap the dragon fruit that has been ready to harvest in plastic.

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Dragon Fruit is very profitable transactions

Denpasar (Bali Business) - Various pieces are in demand ahead of the Lunar transacted. However, of the many who requested the fruit market, the type of dragon fruit is the most demand rose sharply today. Confidence in a number of the Chinese dragon fruit which will bring good luck if eaten on Lunar moments, a fruit merchant rated number one reason for today's consumers.

'' The demand for dragon fruit increased by more than two times higher than ordinary days. Is dominant among Chinese consumers for the upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations,'' said Wayan Sudarma, dragon fruit growers as well as suppliers from Singaraja, Friday (20/1) yesterday.

He said the number of market demand ahead of the Lunar dragon fruit is quite large, both come from the supermarket business, fruit shops and retailers in some markets. Even so, all of this increase can be met properly. The reason is, these months are the harvest of the dragon fruit, so that production is also quite abundant at this time.

According Sudarma, increased demand ahead of the Lunar dragon fruit, the condition is due to a number of the community, especially the Chinese consume or deliver to the Lunar dragon fruit is believed to bring good luck in the coming year. In addition, the general flavor of dragon fruit itself is good enough to eat, even very refreshing because it contains a lot of water.

He said the dragon fruit itself there are several types of options, the dragon fruit with white flesh, dragon fruit with red flesh until the flesh is yellow. '' However, until now only been two types are circulating in large quantities on the market, the colors white and red meat. Two options were also a commodity that is sold over the years, "he said.

He emphasized that the harvest itself is done by order, so the fruit is shipped in fresh condition after being picked. Usually, the harvest done twice a week, every time you harvest a minimum of 1 ton of dragon fruit.

He added, regarding the selling prices of dragon fruit will vary depending on the type, which is the cheapest available at a price of Rp 23,000 per kg for white meat, is a dragon fruit with the other color types on average more expensive than white.

Meanwhile, Vera Vijaya, dragon fruit consumers in the same place disclose, dragon fruit is purchased it will be serving food until the moment of offering to the ancestors for the upcoming Lunar New Year. Because, he is sure to bring some kind of dragon fruit and fruit Lunar typical sweet flavor will bring good luck for the coming Chinese New Year.


Dragon fruit plant care is absolutely necessary if you want to succeed in cultivating dragon fruit. Care needs to be done to plant dragon fruit include the following:

A. Watering the plants
Watering must be in accordance with the needs of plants, as well as of the time of watering. In the early days of planting, watering can be done in the morning and afternoon. If planting is done in the dry season, the need watering every day to be absolutely necessary. But in the rainy season, the frequency of watering can be reduced depending on rainfall. When rainfall is high, do not do the watering.

2. Fertilizer
One treatment that should be done on the dragon fruit plant fertilization. Fertilizer is very important to recognize the nature of the relationship needs dragon fruit fertilizer for plants. Thus can diketahuai at every stage of plant growth what kind of fertilizer is needed. The element nitrogen (N) needed in greater numbers at the beginning of the crop growth period since the young plants until late flowering and fruiting. When approaching the dragon fruit plant flowering plants require lots of fertilizer containing phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) is high. Fertilization should be done regularly so that it can be fulfilled fast response of the dragon fruit growth.

3. Branching arrangement
Branch arrangement aims to regulate conception and to maintain plant health. Branching arrangement is done by trimming the branches and the branches will sprout. Pruning should be done on the branch will still in bud form. Because the bud scar branch pruning will not harm the health of plants. Branch may be maintained if grown on the upper end of the branch, and even then the amount should be limited. The point to be optimal growth. A good branch arrangement with the 1-3-5 pattern. That is, one main stem, three branches of the first, second and fifth branch. Fruit should only appear on the second branch, jumlahnyapun restricted. Let it grow 15 pieces only. Assuming each branch produces three pieces.


 Dragon fruit cultivation for the production business carried orchards. To produce the maximum production must of course be a good preparation, good care and proper handling diseases. The following farming activities are dealt with in full:
Soil ProcessingTillage is an important factor to consider in order to plant dragon fruit can grow and develop properly. Rooting dragon fruit requires loose soil because the soil surface creeping roots, if too hard or clay soil, the roots can not grow well in soil.
Before digemburkan land should be cleared of weeds and grass to avoid the disease. After the soil by digging deep digemburkan cangkulan with one inverted. After the planting holes are made in accordance with the cropping is a way to use a single climbing system or system group
On a single climbing tillage systems only done around the planting hole course, at odds with the processing performed on the entire plot of land where the planting row.
Growing media for a single climbing using a mixture of sand quarry were about 5 kg, red brick powder 5 kg, 10 kg of dry manure and 300 g dolomite and then thoroughly mixed.
In the model system of planting in groups for each plot along the 4 m planting media is sand 8 kg, 20 kg of manure and red brick powder can be added as much as 10 kg when the soil is too porous. If you do not use red brick powder, the amount of manure added to 10 kg again so a total of 30 kg. Plus magnesium dolomite containing as much as 600g. These ingredients are mixed evenly in the soil excavation.
After preparation of the planting medium and let it finish and then drenched in the sun to dry. Drying is intended that the land be free of toxins and other evaporation.
Irrigation SystemFor irrigation systems on land adapted to soil conditions, cropping system means, and the provision of existing water sources around the land. Can use the traditional irrigation system that is better enabled to use 20 cm deep trench created around row crops. Or it could use a system of irrigation pipe is made in such a way as to drain the water in the entire plant.
Investment In LandLand planting crops that must be considered is the depth that too in fact be hindering growth. Planting depth is 20% of the length of seedlings. Which would be planted seedlings eg a length of 50-80 cm in the depth of about 10-15 cm. Before planting the cuttings should be oiled Ridomil seed as much as 40 g were mixed with 1 liter of water to prevent decay at the base of the stem cuttings.


Rice in tidal wetland require separate cultivation techniques, due to soil conditions and the environment is not similar to irrigated land. Cultivation errors can cause failure of crops and can also damage the soil and the environment. Based on the type of flood water, rice can be cultivated on land overflow of type A, B, or C which has been a rain-fed rice fields. Land of type A flood water is always terluapi water land, either at large or small pairs. Type B only terluapi of water at high tide only. Whereas type C land land terluapi not the tide, but the shallow groundwater. Tidal land can also be planted with upland rice, but its cultivation techniques different from the rice paddies. Described in this book just about rice cultivation techniques in tidal land. Tidal land by type of flood water Budi Days Tidal Rice in Land and Water Management of Land Preparation Land preparation consists of:
• slashing rumput-rumput/belukar. Slashing is done using a machete. Grass / shrub that has been slashed collected in one place and then burned.
• Processing of land.
• siltation and land leveling. Two-stage processing of soil. After processing the first stage, flooded land, in order to separate the toxic substances from the soil. High pool of water ranging from 5-10 cm. To adjust the water level can be done by enlarging the pool or out door opening drains.
The second stage of land preparation done two weeks after the first treatment. 2 Days Budi Tidal Rice in Land Instrument for land use process:
• Hoes.
• Tractor.
• ox-drawn plow / buffalo. Tillage depth of about 20-25 cm, if too deep can lead to the lifting pint layer (layer poisonous). Pint can be toxic to plants and cause plant death. Avoid lifting while turning the land pint layer 3 Days Budi Land Tidal Rice in order to dispose of toxic substances in soil, have created a worm channel (kemalir) with the following sizes:
• channel width 30 cm.
• The depth of 20 cm.
• The distance between the channel ranges from 6-10 m. In addition to the plot, the channel also made around the plot. Worm channels and inter-channel distance, accelerate the disposal of toxic substances in the soil.

Terms of seed that is used:
• High-grade (germination more than 90).
• There is mixed with the type of rice or other crop seeds.
• Number of 30-45 kg seed per hectare.
How to determine the quality of the seeds that will be used:
• Prepare the fabric measures 20 cm x 30 cm.
• Prepare a seed as much as 100 points and then soaked in water for ± 2 hours.
• Seeds that have been soaked placed on top, which has been moistened cloth (damp). Wait 3-5 days, then count the seeds that germinate. If seeds are germinated more than 90 points, meaning that high-quality seeds.

Seedbed can be created in two ways: wet and dry seedbed.
Wet seedbed:
• The seeds soaked for 12-24 hours, then being lifted and allowed to germinate for 1-2 days.
• Nursery built on land that is watery (macak-macak) and not terluapi water at high tide.
• The total area of ​​300-500 m2 seedbed for every hectare of crop.
• Land for seeding processed twice (perfect), net of grass, shrub, plant debris, wood, stone, or other.
• Then the ground leveled and fertilized.
• The dose of fertilizer to each square meter nursery: 10 g urea + 10 g TSP (or 14 grams of SP 36) + 10 grams of KCl.
Dry seedbed:
Dry seedbed is basically the same as the seedbed moist.
• Place the prepared seedbed in guludan.
• Seeds are sown without soaking. After sowing dusted with finely ground rice husk ash.
• To prevent insect-orong orong, seeds mixed with an insecticide such as Furadan 3G as much as 1 gram per 1 m2 of the nursery.
• To prevent blast disease of seed mixed with a fungicide such as Benlate T 20 WP (Benomil) as much as 1 gram for every kilogram of seed.

For successful cultivation of rice farming in tidal land below the recommended varieties grown under different land types and seasons. On tidal land overflowing with type A and B, can be cultivated rice twice a year.
Planting time:
• The first growing season, planting is done in mid-October to early November.
• The second growing season, planting is done in mid-March to early April. Table 2 varieties of rice grown in the recommended range of land types and seasons.

Method of planting: tandur parallelogram
• Advantages
o Easy to do the weeding.
o Easy to do the spraying.
o Easy to harvest.
• Difficulties
o workforce more if not her experience.
• Spacing:
potential land o 25 cm x 25 cm
acid sulfate land o 20 cm x 20 cm
o land bergambut 20 cm x 20 cm
• Number of seeds: 3-4 stems per clump. One way of making the flow of planting (tandur parallelogram)
Stitching weeding and weeding is done twice, namely:
• Weeding the first age of 3 weeks after planting
• Weeding the age of 6 weeks after planting, weeding can be done in several ways:
• Pulled by hand, then dipendan in the soil.
• Using a day (gasrok).
• Use of herbicides such as DMA-6, Gramoxone, with a dose of 3-4 liters per hectare in 400-500 liters spray volume per hectare If any plants that die, held stitching (age 1-2 weeks) by:
• Use the seeds that are still available.
• Weaning plants that are grown.

Dose of fertilizer for each location is different, depending on the typology of their land.
Method of fertilizer application:
• The average spread on the surface of the land.
• The state of water at the field should foster-macak macak.
• Liming is important to reduce soil acidity, especially in acid sulfate land.
• Size of limestone: 1 ton per hectare.
• Time calcification: two weeks before planting.
• The state of ground water at the time of calcification should macak-macak.

Plant Protection
Many pests that attack the rice in tidal land is: rat, Orong-orong, bedbug ground (stone javelin), Walang rice pest, brown plant hopper. Sedangkah major disease in the tidal field is biased.
Pest control mice can be done by:
• Maintain cleanliness of the environment
• Investment in unison (a secondary overlay).
• Installation of poisoned bait, the poison Klerat RMB by 2 kg per hectare, and placed in several places.
• Implement pengemposan gropyokan or using sulfur.
Hama-orong orong can be controlled by way of:
• inundate the land
• Soak the seeds before planting in a solution of pesticide Carbofuran (Curater 3G, Dharmafur, or Furadan 3G).
Bedbug land controlled by spraying pesticides as much as 1-2 liters / ha. Disease is controlled by the bias:
• Spraying fungicides Fujiwan Beam or a lot of 1-2 kg per hectare.
• Planting resistant varieties bias.
• Do not use excessive fertilizer N / beyond measure.

Harvest and Postharvest
Harvesting is done when the rice plants show signs as follows:
• Most of the grain (90%) are colored yellow.
• If bitten by a broken grain.
Harvesting can be done using the following tools:
• Crescent serrated
• Reaper
• Stripper.
Yield loss at harvest can be avoided with the following efforts:
• Harvest time.
• Having direct disabit dirontok (at least 1 day).
• When using the pedestal merontok (mats or tarps).

Threshing of grain can be done by:
• Gebuk (gepyokan = term farmer Coral Court, South Sumatra).
• Using the machine / equipment and thresher are like tresher erekan. After dirontok, grain drying on the clothesline tarp or floor. Thickness of grain during the drying is not more than 5 cm. Inverted during the drying of grain behind. Long drying about 2 -3 days in sweltering hot conditions. The dried grain is cleaned of dirt, grain vacuum, and the remaining panicles of grain cleaning tool can be used Tampah and tool / machine cleaning (seed cleaner). Grain that is dry and clean put into sacks to be stored, milled, or marketed.

Jumat, 13 April 2012

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Conception Tips - The Must Know Important Things

You are trying to conceive, aren't you? And the results are not what you expect, are they? If the answer is "YES", you may need the below advices.

Do not drink coffee: Coffee adversely affects fertility. It is showed that the effects of coffee on metabolism has harmful effects on our hormone levels, especially that of estrogen. Coffee may also cause problems with our fallopian tubes, hindering fertilization.

Do not use smoking: Smoking makes a variety of health problems. Infertility in both men and women has also been associated with smoking. Smoking may decrease the counting of sperm fast. When compared, smoking women are less likely to conceive successfully with non-smoking women.

Say NO with alcohol: Alcohol, even in management, badly affects fertility by inhibiting ovulation. Population studies also show decreased fertility and pregnancy rates among women who drink. Data are conflicting on what rate of alcohol consumption can induce these effects. Most data show that drinking 4 to 8 times a week is dangerous. But newer studies have proven that even a single glass of wine weekly can already affect fertility adversely.

These conceive tips have been proven to be true. Most doctors would advice you say NO with smoking, coffee, and alcohol when attempting to get pregnant. You should also abstain from these when you are pregnant to ensure the health for your developing baby.

Some sexual positions favor fertility: The most popular positions recommended are the man-on-top position or the missionary and the rear entry including spooning and doggy style. Although sexual positions do not significantly affect the chances of conceiving in couples who are fertile, some of them may benefit from this advice. Depositing the sperm as near as possible to the cervix may have its benefits for couples with sub-fertility or infertility problems. If the sperm were the size of a man, it has to swim a distance akin to the Pacific Ocean to meet and fertilize an egg. It would certainly boost our chances of success if we shorten that distance considerably.

Herbs increase fertility: Some herbs like Vitex, Ginkgo biloba, and Siberian ginseng have been proven to boost fertility. In fact, these herbs have been a mainstay in the armamentarium of herbalists and practitioners of alternative medicine in the cue of infertility in both women and men. Otherwise, there are still no large, well-designed clinical trials to boost this claim. If you are on fertility drugs, ask your doctor if you may start taking any of these herbs to avoid unwanted drug interactions.

Breastfeeding Problems - Mastits

Women deciding to breastfeed anticipate that it will be a wonderful bonding experience for her and her baby. Nursing mothers all know that breast is best but what does she do about a case of mastitis?
Recognizing the problem
There are many warning signs and indicate that you may be coming down with mastitis.
1) An area on the breast becomes sore and red. The site of the clogged duct develops a very pronounced red spot which is extremely painful to the touch and holding or carrying your baby on this side may become unbearable. You may also see or feel a lump.
2) You may experience pain during nursing sessions. This may begin as a tingling sensation in the nipple. If there is no pain while the baby is nursing on that side, it does not mean that you don't in fact have mastitis.
3) Development of flu-like symptoms. You may experience a fever along with chills and body aches. Exhaustion is another common side effect. Many women report not even being able to get out of bed.
What to do if you suspect mastitis
At the first signs of developing mastitis:
1) Get into bed and rest! Even if you can just sit quietly for a few hours without doing anything such as housework or taking care of other children or family members, you'll benefit.
2) Apply warm compresses to the site of the clogged duct. Take a hot shower or even lower your breast into a bowl or pot filled with warm water and soak for a few minutes, several times an hour.
3) Nurse, nurse, nurse! Try to nurse the baby on the side of the clogged duct as often and as long as possible to work out the clog. Massaging the breast while the baby suckles may also help.
4) Remedies such as echinachea and vitamin C can be taken. Antibiotics may be prescribed by a physician or midwife as well.
How to avoid mastitis
Mastitis starts out as a plugged duct and develops into an infection. In order to avoid your ducts becoming clogged in the first place, it is a good idea not to constrict your milk ducts with underwire bras or tight fitting clothing. Try not to sleep on your stomach as this may also lead to a plugged duct. Avoid supplementing with bottles because this may lead to an overproduction of breast milk. When a feeding is missed, breasts may become engorged and ducts can get plugged up. Breast compression or breast massage before latching is also a helpful tool to avoiding clogged ducts all together.
It’s true that education is like a building block for a child’s future. All parents dream for a better career for their child’s life. Everybody wants their child to be doctor, engineer and wants to see them in high posts. In this cut throat competition children get pressurize with their activities to the extent that they don’t get spare time for their own entertainment. Teachers also keep the child busy during the holidays by giving them assignments and homework. Earlier children used to play with their siblings. So, the children easily got a play environment at the home. However, now the time spent by children in playing was very less as compared to the past two decades. Parents should understand that play is an important activity and they should not deprive their child from this opportunity.

Group games allow children to learn the values of team spirit. It also teaches them to cooperate with other members of the team and develop self discipline. This also enables them to face negative situation in life and make them strong when they get defeated. Many studies have proved that children playing games which have lots of violence are likely to be more short tempered and aggressive.

It is the duty of the parents to find out whether the child knows the difference between fantasy and reality. When this problem is not uprooted in the initial stages then it can take very ugly turn in child’s life and they will start presuming that real life is also like the games which they play. It will have a negative impact on children mind because inappropriate games will impart wrong set of values in them. Through play children develop essential life skills; they also learn how to interact with their peers and adults. It is through play that children develop essential life skills; they learn how to interact with their peers and with adults.

There are certain benefits that child get after playing. These benefits are given below:

1. Reduces fear, anxiety, stress, irritability

2. Creates joy, intimacy, self-esteem and mastery not based on other's loss of esteem

3. Improves emotional flexibility and openness

4. Increases calmness, resilience and adaptability and ability to deal with surprise and change

5. Decreases tactile defensiveness

6. Healing process for hurts

7. Enhances feelings of acceptance of difference

8. Increases empathy, compassion, and sharing

9. Creates options and choices

10. Models relationships based on inclusion rather than exclusion

11. Alternative to aggressor-victim model of relationships

12. Decreases revenge and need for self defense

13. Improves touch and nonverbal socialization skills

14. Increases attention and attachment capacities

15. Positive emotions increase the efficiency of immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems

16. Decreases stress, fatigue, injury, and depression

17. Integrates sensor motor, kinesthetic and emotional responses

In conclusion every child should be allowed to play as they learn so many skills from playing, and from defeating. Play is essential for every child’s development as it make them well balanced grown up and prepare with all the essential life skills needed.
It’s true that education is like a building block for a child’s future. All parents dream for a better career for their child’s life. Everybody wants their child to be doctor, engineer and wants to see them in high posts. In this cut throat competition children get pressurize with their activities to the extent that they don’t get spare time for their own entertainment. Teachers also keep the child busy during the holidays by giving them assignments and homework. Earlier children used to play with their siblings. So, the children easily got a play environment at the home. However, now the time spent by children in playing was very less as compared to the past two decades. Parents should understand that play is an important activity and they should not deprive their child from this opportunity.

Group games allow children to learn the values of team spirit. It also teaches them to cooperate with other members of the team and develop self discipline. This also enables them to face negative situation in life and make them strong when they get defeated. Many studies have proved that children playing games which have lots of violence are likely to be more short tempered and aggressive.

It is the duty of the parents to find out whether the child knows the difference between fantasy and reality. When this problem is not uprooted in the initial stages then it can take very ugly turn in child’s life and they will start presuming that real life is also like the games which they play. It will have a negative impact on children mind because inappropriate games will impart wrong set of values in them. Through play children develop essential life skills; they also learn how to interact with their peers and adults. It is through play that children develop essential life skills; they learn how to interact with their peers and with adults.

There are certain benefits that child get after playing. These benefits are given below:

1. Reduces fear, anxiety, stress, irritability

2. Creates joy, intimacy, self-esteem and mastery not based on other's loss of esteem

3. Improves emotional flexibility and openness

4. Increases calmness, resilience and adaptability and ability to deal with surprise and change

5. Decreases tactile defensiveness

6. Healing process for hurts

7. Enhances feelings of acceptance of difference

8. Increases empathy, compassion, and sharing

9. Creates options and choices

10. Models relationships based on inclusion rather than exclusion

11. Alternative to aggressor-victim model of relationships

12. Decreases revenge and need for self defense

13. Improves touch and nonverbal socialization skills

14. Increases attention and attachment capacities

15. Positive emotions increase the efficiency of immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems

16. Decreases stress, fatigue, injury, and depression

17. Integrates sensor motor, kinesthetic and emotional responses

In conclusion every child should be allowed to play as they learn so many skills from playing, and from defeating. Play is essential for every child’s development as it make them well balanced grown up and prepare with all the essential life skills needed.
Spiritual books are known to be our best friends for their unconditional love towards us. Reading, generally, has always been one of our favourite hobbies. As far as spiritual inspiration and knowledge is concerned, there is no substitute of acquiring it other than from spiritual books. These books are fuel for our thoughts and beliefs, they provide us the inspiration and courage to stand up for what we feel is right for our growth.

Spiritual books have begun to multiply in number in recent times. And it is true that once we go through the work of writers who have had spiritual inspiration, our lives get changed.

Tired of leading stressful and unhappy lives, people with a desire to lead peaceful lives are resorting to spirituality. Thus spirituality is on the rise. Walking on the path of spirituality not only helps us to realise our real Self, but it also inspires us and drives us to lead a joyous life. If we intend to relax and attain peace of mind we should read spiritual books.

A good way of selecting these inspiring books is to search online for them. We need to select a few good spiritual books available in the market and start reading it religiously. We should make a regular habit of reading them, set up a time of the day for the same, and put our whole mind on it. While reading spiritual books we should not be watching TV or eating or doing anything else.

We slowly begin to see the world around us in a different perspective. We begin to comprehend why a person is behaving the way he/she is. We learn to take things in stride and move on without getting much baffled from his/her behaviour.

Spiritual books help us clarify a lot of our doubts which otherwise seem difficult to resolve. We must believe that our time invested in spiritual reading will definitely change our lives. We become very positive. Our attitude and point of view for life also changes. Realizing our dreams and aspirations will become easy and we shall experience joys like never before.

This blissful experience is an important facet of spiritual inspiration coming through books. Nonetheless, mere reading won’t help us unless we learn to apply these principles in our day to day affairs. Spirituality is not about reading alone, it is about being and becoming. We need to understand the writer’s point of view and begin to follow it in our lives with determination. This is important because without doing this spiritual books will produce no good results.

For people like us who are moved by spiritual inspiration, it is necessary that we seek wholeheartedly until we reach our destination. And once we begin to find spiritual realisation, we must keep seeking until we are convinced, at the deepest level of our inner being, of the eternal reality that God, is our own real Self.

For some of us, this realisation might happen in an instant explosive revelation; for others, it will occur quietly and gradually. Whenever it happens, we will all know.
There are a handful of good batting habits that are easily forgotten but can revolutionize your swing if given the correct consideration. These are five of those tips, ranging from positioning to strike motion. This is intended as a brief checklist to a younger player, or coach.

Everyone has their own nuances and rituals at the plate, but when practicing your swing it is always good to remember certain key points that will only improve your performance with every repetition. The problem is that we tend to hear just about every batting tip once or twice, and they just fall by the wayside as knowledge of the game is increased and groomed. For posterity sake, here are a few key points to take with you to the batting cage that you’ve probably heard before. The tips guaranteed to improve your batting average by time, especially if you are a young player, or aspiring coach:

• Athletic position

The truth is that all good batting stances come from the classic athletic position. Every sport from golf to football teaches the importance of beginning in the athletic position to work from a place of power. Feet should be slightly wider than shoulder width apart and knees bent slightly. Shoulders, head, and butt are all square with the ground. At first this will feel odd but it is best to find a comfort zone in this position immediately. The position gives you strength, balance, and focuses your strike zone forcing the pitcher to work with less space.

• Choke Up

It may not feel like the power is completely there, but choking up on the bat will allow for greater control and a more accurate swing. Most batters choke up after taking two strikes, but for the inexperienced (and especially when teaching young batters) try to encourage the smart habit, even in a batting cage situation. A controlled, confident swing that regularly produces results is the end goal, not a power hitter that never makes connection with the ball.

• Eye on the Ball

Every young batter hears this a million times but keeping your eye on the ball could be the most important tip on this list. It isn’t even just enough to recognize the outline and shape of the ball. You have to focus on the ball, make an effort to trace its laces with your eyes and watch as your bat makes contact. The hands and arms tend to follow where the eyes go, use this biological fact to your advantage. Practice this from the batting cages to in game because the rewards from this good habit will always compound.

• It’s All in the Hips

We tend to forget that our bodies function to move as a whole entity rather than as individual parts. Just as the hands follow the eyes, the arms and the chest follow the hips. Pivoting your hips into the swing will add power. Opening your stance with a strong pivot motion will cause your chest and arms to follow suit, and that’s where the real strength comes from, not just swatting at the ball using just your arms.

• Practice

Like everything else that is hard, hitting requires hours of practice to really become competent at it on any level. Stance, timing, even breathing are all nuances that should be experimented upon and groomed to form your batting stance, and even then it can always be tweaked or perfected. For younger batters begin with slow, controlled practice at a batting cage and work at it constantly. 50-100 swings a day outside of the teams scheduled practice is recommended to really make your batting become something special. Always remember that you get what you put in.
The 458 Italia is equipped with a racing manettino switch leading toward more sporting set ups and giving the driver a wider selection of electronic controls parameters. The ICE setting saw in the F430 has been removed, while the CT setting has been added in order to deactivate the traction control and at the same time maintain the stability control. There are five different manettino positions and conditions: Low Grip, Sport, Race, CT and CTS. Low Grip setting provides maximum grip under all driving conditions, and it is particularly suited for low grip surfaces. The emphasis is on comfort and stability without compromising the handling. Sport is the best setting for day to day driving and guarantees great safety under good grip. Race is particularly suitable for track driving providing maximum performance and stability in optimal grip situations. CT helps the driver improving his driving skills in safety, by keeping active the stability control. It allows over-steer right to the edge of the car’s limits and guarantees enhanced driving pleasure and fun behind the wheel, particularly on the track. Under CTS setting, both stability and traction control systems are deactivated, giving the driver maximum freedom and control on the track. No electronic systems intervene on the vehicle stability with the exception of E-diff3 and ABS.

On the 458 Italia, the driver can decouple the suspension damping from the electronic configuration selected on the manettino. The suspension decoupling button offers improved “filtering” of uneven road surfaces in order to improve performance and handling on uneven broken surfaces, such as the ones at the Nürburgring race track.

The launch control button is instead designed to offer the best possible acceleration from standstill. It delivers the maximum possible torque to the ground and prevents wheel spin as the car accelerates away. Its activation is indicated in the instrument panel. To start using the Launch control, the manettino must be selected on race, CT or CTS setting. With the car still at standstill, the driver then needs to put the gearbox in manual, selects first gear, pushes the launch control, presses the accelerator pedal and then releases the brake pedal.

The stylistic interior choices developed by Ferrari Centro Stile reflect a functional, ergonomic cockpit design. The driver is set in the center of a streamlined and intuitive layout, which is very much in line with the marquee’s signature styling cues.

The 458 Italia is equipped with a racing manettino switch leading toward more sporting set ups and giving the driver a wider selection of electronic controls parameters. The ICE setting saw in the F430 has been removed, while the CT setting has been added in order to deactivate the traction control and at the same time maintain the stability control. There are five different manettino positions and conditions: Low Grip, Sport, Race, CT and CTS. Low Grip setting provides maximum grip under all driving conditions, and it is particularly suited for low grip surfaces. The emphasis is on comfort and stability without compromising the handling. Sport is the best setting for day to day driving and guarantees great safety under good grip. Race is particularly suitable for track driving providing maximum performance and stability in optimal grip situations. CT helps the driver improving his driving skills in safety, by keeping active the stability control. It allows over-steer right to the edge of the car’s limits and guarantees enhanced driving pleasure and fun behind the wheel, particularly on the track. Under CTS setting, both stability and traction control systems are deactivated, giving the driver maximum freedom and control on the track. No electronic systems intervene on the vehicle stability with the exception of E-diff3 and ABS.

On the 458 Italia, the driver can decouple the suspension damping from the electronic configuration selected on the manettino. The suspension decoupling button offers improved “filtering” of uneven road surfaces in order to improve performance and handling on uneven broken surfaces, such as the ones at the Nürburgring race track.

The launch control button is instead designed to offer the best possible acceleration from standstill. It delivers the maximum possible torque to the ground and prevents wheel spin as the car accelerates away. Its activation is indicated in the instrument panel. To start using the Launch control, the manettino must be selected on race, CT or CTS setting. With the car still at standstill, the driver then needs to put the gearbox in manual, selects first gear, pushes the launch control, presses the accelerator pedal and then releases the brake pedal.

The stylistic interior choices developed by Ferrari Centro Stile reflect a functional, ergonomic cockpit design. The driver is set in the center of a streamlined and intuitive layout, which is very much in line with the marquee’s signature styling cues.

People and cars can only take so much abuse. That may sound like an odd opening statement, but it's the truth. If you think about it, we often take many different people for granted. How many times have you thanked your parents for bringing you into the world? How about the garbage and recycling pickup people? Ever stop to think they may enjoy a thanks once in a while?
If we do abuse people in this way, most of the time they will forgive us or overlook it. But there's one thing you can't take for granted or abuse too often without it coming back to bite you in the end.
Your car.
We depend upon them greatly to get us everywhere we need to go. We want them to work each time we insert that key into the ignition. Sometimes we learn the hard way what happens when we don't take care of them.
They rebel.
No one wants that to happen. Here is a good way you can avoid this scenario.
Regular oil changes - Ever since I can remember, I've always heard we should have it changed every three months or every 3,000 miles, whichever comes first. This is still a good rule of thumb but with the greater advancements in the way cars are manufactured these days, many of the newer cars can get by somewhat longer.
There's a very good reason why this was the normal length of time and mileage. The products used in cars were different in years gone by. It broke down and degraded within the car's crankcase for any longer than those times or miles. Sludge was produced if you left the dirty stuff in there for too long. Times have changed.
Now it's possible to to wait maybe every 4,500 - 7,500 miles or every four to six months before you drive it in for a change. Check your car's manual to be sure.
And let me add right here, if you're on a tight budget, you can find helpful oil change coupons in several ways.
1. Check online at oil company websites.
2. Ask at your local gas station.
3. Newspaper ads.
Regular changes can be very expensive - sometimes as much as $40 a shot! Did you know if you take a minute to search for oil change coupons, they can cut that bill in half? I'm not kidding.
Believe me when I tell you the quickest way is to check online. Many name brand companies make oil change coupons easily accessible which will save you money and time.
I know you're busy, but you really need to take advantage of all the special oil change coupons and discounts that are out there just for the paper, ink and time it takes to print them. In the long run, they will help decrease overall maintenance charges.
Don't put it off - grab your oil change coupons and head for that change today.