Jumat, 13 April 2012

People and cars can only take so much abuse. That may sound like an odd opening statement, but it's the truth. If you think about it, we often take many different people for granted. How many times have you thanked your parents for bringing you into the world? How about the garbage and recycling pickup people? Ever stop to think they may enjoy a thanks once in a while?
If we do abuse people in this way, most of the time they will forgive us or overlook it. But there's one thing you can't take for granted or abuse too often without it coming back to bite you in the end.
Your car.
We depend upon them greatly to get us everywhere we need to go. We want them to work each time we insert that key into the ignition. Sometimes we learn the hard way what happens when we don't take care of them.
They rebel.
No one wants that to happen. Here is a good way you can avoid this scenario.
Regular oil changes - Ever since I can remember, I've always heard we should have it changed every three months or every 3,000 miles, whichever comes first. This is still a good rule of thumb but with the greater advancements in the way cars are manufactured these days, many of the newer cars can get by somewhat longer.
There's a very good reason why this was the normal length of time and mileage. The products used in cars were different in years gone by. It broke down and degraded within the car's crankcase for any longer than those times or miles. Sludge was produced if you left the dirty stuff in there for too long. Times have changed.
Now it's possible to to wait maybe every 4,500 - 7,500 miles or every four to six months before you drive it in for a change. Check your car's manual to be sure.
And let me add right here, if you're on a tight budget, you can find helpful oil change coupons in several ways.
1. Check online at oil company websites.
2. Ask at your local gas station.
3. Newspaper ads.
Regular changes can be very expensive - sometimes as much as $40 a shot! Did you know if you take a minute to search for oil change coupons, they can cut that bill in half? I'm not kidding.
Believe me when I tell you the quickest way is to check online. Many name brand companies make oil change coupons easily accessible which will save you money and time.
I know you're busy, but you really need to take advantage of all the special oil change coupons and discounts that are out there just for the paper, ink and time it takes to print them. In the long run, they will help decrease overall maintenance charges.
Don't put it off - grab your oil change coupons and head for that change today.

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