Sabtu, 14 April 2012


Rice in tidal wetland require separate cultivation techniques, due to soil conditions and the environment is not similar to irrigated land. Cultivation errors can cause failure of crops and can also damage the soil and the environment. Based on the type of flood water, rice can be cultivated on land overflow of type A, B, or C which has been a rain-fed rice fields. Land of type A flood water is always terluapi water land, either at large or small pairs. Type B only terluapi of water at high tide only. Whereas type C land land terluapi not the tide, but the shallow groundwater. Tidal land can also be planted with upland rice, but its cultivation techniques different from the rice paddies. Described in this book just about rice cultivation techniques in tidal land. Tidal land by type of flood water Budi Days Tidal Rice in Land and Water Management of Land Preparation Land preparation consists of:
• slashing rumput-rumput/belukar. Slashing is done using a machete. Grass / shrub that has been slashed collected in one place and then burned.
• Processing of land.
• siltation and land leveling. Two-stage processing of soil. After processing the first stage, flooded land, in order to separate the toxic substances from the soil. High pool of water ranging from 5-10 cm. To adjust the water level can be done by enlarging the pool or out door opening drains.
The second stage of land preparation done two weeks after the first treatment. 2 Days Budi Tidal Rice in Land Instrument for land use process:
• Hoes.
• Tractor.
• ox-drawn plow / buffalo. Tillage depth of about 20-25 cm, if too deep can lead to the lifting pint layer (layer poisonous). Pint can be toxic to plants and cause plant death. Avoid lifting while turning the land pint layer 3 Days Budi Land Tidal Rice in order to dispose of toxic substances in soil, have created a worm channel (kemalir) with the following sizes:
• channel width 30 cm.
• The depth of 20 cm.
• The distance between the channel ranges from 6-10 m. In addition to the plot, the channel also made around the plot. Worm channels and inter-channel distance, accelerate the disposal of toxic substances in the soil.

Terms of seed that is used:
• High-grade (germination more than 90).
• There is mixed with the type of rice or other crop seeds.
• Number of 30-45 kg seed per hectare.
How to determine the quality of the seeds that will be used:
• Prepare the fabric measures 20 cm x 30 cm.
• Prepare a seed as much as 100 points and then soaked in water for ± 2 hours.
• Seeds that have been soaked placed on top, which has been moistened cloth (damp). Wait 3-5 days, then count the seeds that germinate. If seeds are germinated more than 90 points, meaning that high-quality seeds.

Seedbed can be created in two ways: wet and dry seedbed.
Wet seedbed:
• The seeds soaked for 12-24 hours, then being lifted and allowed to germinate for 1-2 days.
• Nursery built on land that is watery (macak-macak) and not terluapi water at high tide.
• The total area of ​​300-500 m2 seedbed for every hectare of crop.
• Land for seeding processed twice (perfect), net of grass, shrub, plant debris, wood, stone, or other.
• Then the ground leveled and fertilized.
• The dose of fertilizer to each square meter nursery: 10 g urea + 10 g TSP (or 14 grams of SP 36) + 10 grams of KCl.
Dry seedbed:
Dry seedbed is basically the same as the seedbed moist.
• Place the prepared seedbed in guludan.
• Seeds are sown without soaking. After sowing dusted with finely ground rice husk ash.
• To prevent insect-orong orong, seeds mixed with an insecticide such as Furadan 3G as much as 1 gram per 1 m2 of the nursery.
• To prevent blast disease of seed mixed with a fungicide such as Benlate T 20 WP (Benomil) as much as 1 gram for every kilogram of seed.

For successful cultivation of rice farming in tidal land below the recommended varieties grown under different land types and seasons. On tidal land overflowing with type A and B, can be cultivated rice twice a year.
Planting time:
• The first growing season, planting is done in mid-October to early November.
• The second growing season, planting is done in mid-March to early April. Table 2 varieties of rice grown in the recommended range of land types and seasons.

Method of planting: tandur parallelogram
• Advantages
o Easy to do the weeding.
o Easy to do the spraying.
o Easy to harvest.
• Difficulties
o workforce more if not her experience.
• Spacing:
potential land o 25 cm x 25 cm
acid sulfate land o 20 cm x 20 cm
o land bergambut 20 cm x 20 cm
• Number of seeds: 3-4 stems per clump. One way of making the flow of planting (tandur parallelogram)
Stitching weeding and weeding is done twice, namely:
• Weeding the first age of 3 weeks after planting
• Weeding the age of 6 weeks after planting, weeding can be done in several ways:
• Pulled by hand, then dipendan in the soil.
• Using a day (gasrok).
• Use of herbicides such as DMA-6, Gramoxone, with a dose of 3-4 liters per hectare in 400-500 liters spray volume per hectare If any plants that die, held stitching (age 1-2 weeks) by:
• Use the seeds that are still available.
• Weaning plants that are grown.

Dose of fertilizer for each location is different, depending on the typology of their land.
Method of fertilizer application:
• The average spread on the surface of the land.
• The state of water at the field should foster-macak macak.
• Liming is important to reduce soil acidity, especially in acid sulfate land.
• Size of limestone: 1 ton per hectare.
• Time calcification: two weeks before planting.
• The state of ground water at the time of calcification should macak-macak.

Plant Protection
Many pests that attack the rice in tidal land is: rat, Orong-orong, bedbug ground (stone javelin), Walang rice pest, brown plant hopper. Sedangkah major disease in the tidal field is biased.
Pest control mice can be done by:
• Maintain cleanliness of the environment
• Investment in unison (a secondary overlay).
• Installation of poisoned bait, the poison Klerat RMB by 2 kg per hectare, and placed in several places.
• Implement pengemposan gropyokan or using sulfur.
Hama-orong orong can be controlled by way of:
• inundate the land
• Soak the seeds before planting in a solution of pesticide Carbofuran (Curater 3G, Dharmafur, or Furadan 3G).
Bedbug land controlled by spraying pesticides as much as 1-2 liters / ha. Disease is controlled by the bias:
• Spraying fungicides Fujiwan Beam or a lot of 1-2 kg per hectare.
• Planting resistant varieties bias.
• Do not use excessive fertilizer N / beyond measure.

Harvest and Postharvest
Harvesting is done when the rice plants show signs as follows:
• Most of the grain (90%) are colored yellow.
• If bitten by a broken grain.
Harvesting can be done using the following tools:
• Crescent serrated
• Reaper
• Stripper.
Yield loss at harvest can be avoided with the following efforts:
• Harvest time.
• Having direct disabit dirontok (at least 1 day).
• When using the pedestal merontok (mats or tarps).

Threshing of grain can be done by:
• Gebuk (gepyokan = term farmer Coral Court, South Sumatra).
• Using the machine / equipment and thresher are like tresher erekan. After dirontok, grain drying on the clothesline tarp or floor. Thickness of grain during the drying is not more than 5 cm. Inverted during the drying of grain behind. Long drying about 2 -3 days in sweltering hot conditions. The dried grain is cleaned of dirt, grain vacuum, and the remaining panicles of grain cleaning tool can be used Tampah and tool / machine cleaning (seed cleaner). Grain that is dry and clean put into sacks to be stored, milled, or marketed.

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